UI Pimpin'
The Qt widget contest results have been announced and although segway slipped away this time, we got our 15s of fame with AnalogPad! But what I want to share here is the story behind our entry: Most importantly: Although only my name is mentioned there, it was full teamwork with my brother Kim "The Webkit" Grönholm! All started when I got backflash about the competition due after christmas and decided to hack 5-way analog navigator I designed and implemented the thing for 2 evenings, it started to look OK but behaved badly... Kimi offered to join the fun, although he happened to be in Korea(!) at the same time So last 3 days before the due, I spent my evenings with this, sent sources to Kimi and received fresh code for next evening I implemented mostly features, Kimi fixed them to work nicely and cleaned the code. Time difference between Finland and Korea didn't matter, it just added extra coolness into this co-operation as we worked kinda in two shifts! And the rest is