Introducing QNanoPainter
Qt World Summit is just about to start! I’m not participating this time, but wanted to contribute one-more-thing to discuss in UI groups at the heart of Berlin ;) During the past about six months we at QUIt Coding have had a side-side-project called QNanoPainter. This library is designed for implementing custom QQuickItems into Qt5 scene graph. Currently if you want to implement custom Qt Quick item, options are at least: QQuickItem : Offers best performance due to Qt5 scene graph integration. But QSG* classes are relatively low-level with vertices, indices & materials. Painting more complicated things requires quite an expert and even then productivity is not very high. QQuickFramebufferObject : This is a good option if you want to draw with OpenGL into QQuickItem. But as we all know, OpenGL is also quite low-level API so no productivity wins here. QQuickPaintedItem : This means painting with good old QPainter C++ API. Weakness of QPainter with modern graphics accelerated