
Showing posts from 2015

QNanoPainter Available!

About 2.5 months ago I introduced QNanoPainter  project for implementing custom QQuickItems. We’ve been really busy (and continue to be so) with other things but took now the time to push QNanoPainter publicly available for wider audience in here: It’s not ready (as software never is), but already quite capable for serious kicking of tires. Just clone it, build with Qt Creator / qmake and run the provided examples. And when you want to try implementing own items, straightforward instructions to get started are available at front-page README . If you dig it and want to assist in improving QNanoPainter, here are few ideas for patches: We have tested QNanoPainter on OS X, Linux, Android and iOS. What’s missing at least is making it work on Windows (with dynamic OpenGL build of Qt). Documentation with QDoc has been started but it’s not complete. There are plenty of ”TODO: Write more documentation here” comments in classes and documentat

Introducing QNanoPainter

Qt World Summit is just about to start! I’m not participating this time, but wanted to contribute one-more-thing to discuss in UI groups at the heart of Berlin ;) During the past about six months we at QUIt Coding have had a side-side-project called QNanoPainter. This library is designed for implementing custom QQuickItems into Qt5 scene graph. Currently if you want to implement custom Qt Quick item, options are at least: QQuickItem : Offers best performance due to Qt5 scene graph integration. But QSG* classes are relatively low-level with vertices, indices & materials. Painting more complicated things requires quite an expert and even then productivity is not very high. QQuickFramebufferObject : This is a good option if you want to draw with OpenGL into QQuickItem. But as we all know, OpenGL is also quite low-level API so no productivity wins here. QQuickPaintedItem : This means painting with good old QPainter C++ API. Weakness of QPainter with modern graphics accelerated