
Showing posts from November, 2017

Qt 5.10 QML Shape testing

When implementing component into QtQuick UI which needs something more than rectangles, images and texts, pure declarative QML hasn't been enough. Popular choices to use for items with some sort of vector drawing are QML Canvas , QQuickPaintedItem  or QNanoPainter . But with Qt 5.10 there will be supports for new Shape  element with paths that contain lines, quads, arcs etc. so I decided to install Qt 5.10 beta3 and implement all tests of "qnanopainter_vs_qpainter_demo" with also QML + Shape elements. ( This kinda makes it "qnanopainter_vs_qpainter_vs_qmlshape_demo" but not renaming now ). So here is in all glory the same UI implemented with QNanoPainter (left), QQuickPaintedItem (center), and QML+Shape (right): Hard to spot the differences right? If only there would be a way to prove this, some way to x-ray into these UIs... like QSG_VISUALIZE=overdraw  to visualize what Qt Quick Scene Graph Renderer sees? Here you can see that scene graph sees QNan